Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Bashful Vampire Murder and Comic Book Murders by Bob Frey

This book was interesting. I really enjoyed the book. When I started reading it I was wondering what kind of story it would be. The stories were murder mysteries, but they were also very funny.
The main detective is gay so that put a different spin on the book. There was not much about that aspect in either story but I did find it to be any interesting aspect of the stories. It made me think of that detective and I found him to be a hard character.
The Bashful vampire murder was interesting since the trial was for murder but the defense used a vampire defense to get the guy off. The main detective was comical in this story because he had some good quips. He fought the vampire defense. At the end of the story the main detective was scared by his friends who came at him in the dark. He thought they were vampires.
The Comic book murders were murders done by people dressed up as comic book characters. This was very funny because the police were having trouble finding out who had done the murders.
In both stories the gay detective had the fact that he was gay brought up as a reason for the murderer to get off. I found that to be an interesting reason for the bad guys to be freed
These were great stories that had murder, mystery, and comedy combined. What more can you ask for in a book. This was a wonderful book that I would recommend to anyone.

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